Meeting with the UNICEF Representative in Turkmenistan

On the 22nd of May 2019, a meeting was held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan with the Head of the Representative Office in Turkmenistan of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Ms.Shaheen Nilofer whose mission in our country has completed.

During the meeting, the Turkmen side expressed gratitude to the Head of UNICEF Office in Turkmenistan for personal contribution in the development of cooperation between this vital UN structure and Turkmenistan.  It was noted that the social programs and projects aimed at perfecting the social services for children are successfully implemented in Turkmenistan for many years.

The results of collaboration in the area of promoting and protecting the children’s rights in Turkmenistan in the framework of the Action Plan of the Country Programme on Cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the UN Children’s Fund for 2016-2020 were positively appraised.

Ms. Shaheen Nilofer highlighted that the Head of State attaches great importance to the health matters of mother and child which is reflected in the multilateral national programs on immunization and vaccination.  She has also specifically noted that the UN Children’s Fund is aimed at further continuation of cooperation with the Government of Turkmenistan in all the noble initiatives.

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